Dealing with sadness...
My separation was full of sadness, and I hated it. It was there, just living in my stomach, weighing me down and killing me softly. So, I...
Dealing with sadness...
How do you want your co-parenting to look like?
Your healthy separation awaits...
My dirty little separation secret...
Separation is an emotional challenge
Want to overcome separation quicker?
My fear during separation...
The FIRST thing you need to do when separating:
Separation is a fact. How you do it is a choice.
How to respond to friends questions about your separation?
Considering a settlement before court?
What do you want?
What really matters to you?
Time to get vulnerable
Separation is like getting fired...
Here’s why divorce can be harder on men:
Did you see the last photo my ex posted on Facebook?
Here's what I do differently in my current relationship:
Separation agreement thoughts...
Why it's ok to do nothing"