You've been brought up to believe there's only one way to do relationships.
It has to be monogamous, it has to be committed, it has to be co-dependent, it has to be conditioned, it has to be cohabitating.
It doesn't.
You tried.
It didn't work.
Instead of starting the same kind of relationship think about:
What kind of relationship do I want?
What's important to me in a relationship?
What are the things I'm not willing to "give up" on?
And the most important: What is the one value that this relationship has to support?
For me it's personal growth.
These relationships are called Growth Relationships.
They are relationships that support growth, honesty, exploration, vulnerability, trying out boundaries, communicating wants and needs, and much more.
Not sure what kind of relationship you want?
How about trying different ones before committing?
Want to know more?
Whenever you're ready, here are two ways I can guide you through separation:
